Wednesday 9 November 2011


After Effects, surprisingly not as difficult as I thought it would be. In High School I learned how to use Adobe Flash, which is very similar to After Effects. In Flash I learned how to create key frames and move objects. In After Effects you can do all that and more! I am enjoying the program and having so much fun in my lab class learning how to use it. I have explored the program and have seen all the cool things you can do.

For my motion graphic assignment, I decided to do the movie UP! UP is one of my favorite Pixar movies.  I don’t know 100% how I want to go about doing it, but I have thought of some ideas. Since UP is the story of an old man who ties balloons to his house and lifts him up in the air, I wanted to create a motion graphic showing that. How I am going to create it, I’m not too sure about, but that is the idea! I am thinking of possibly doing a Claymation Stop Motion.
Here is a video of the style I am thinking of doing.

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