Sunday 27 November 2011


Gaming, that word is used very often in the Moshe-Steinberg household. Growing up with two older brothers, I was forced to play video games with them.  We have almost every game system from the N64 to the Wii. Since I am surrounded by video games, I have turned into a gamer! Some people would think that playing video games too often is a bad thing, but there are some positives to playing. One of my favorite games is NBA2k12. There really are a lot of perks to playing this game.
1)   Escapism.
Sometimes you need to take a break from the troubles of life and sit down and do something that you wouldn’t normally be able to do. In NBA2k12, you can imagine you are the Toronto Raptors and play a regular season, make it to the playoffs, and win a championship. Obviously, the chances of this happening in the real world are slim, but in NBA2k12 where you control the players and the game, anything can happen!
2)   Social
Just like talking about last week’s episode of “Gossip Girl” to a friend, many people talk about the fun they had in a game.  Many NBA fans most likely own this game and have things to say about it.  NBA2k12 is also a two-player game! So you can compete against each other using different teams.
3)   Exercise
You probably are thinking, how does playing a game give you exercise? Since NBA2k12 is a basketball game, you will get an urge after playing it to pick up a real basketball and get on the court. 

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