Wednesday 30 November 2011


It’s been 13 weeks already! Wow time flies by fast! I remember how nervous I was the first day of class, especially for this class. I thought that it would be very difficult and that I would have a lot of troubles, but with the help of my lab instructor and my TA everything went smoothly. I enjoyed working in Photoshop and After Effects even though they were somewhat challenging. I really enjoyed the hands on experience we got in the lab classes and the lectures where we got to learn more about the digital media world. The tutorials done in the labs were very helpful and made me  feel comfortable especially because I did not know anything about After Effects. I also enjoyed having lab classes where we shared the work we created. It was awesome to see how everyone went about doing their projects and the thought and creativity put towards them. It was also great to get positive feedback on my projects because it gave me a lot more confidence with my work.

I enjoyed every part of this class and can honestly say I wouldn’t change a thing about it. I learnt so much in both the lecture and the lab and I actually enjoyed going to them. While 9am is extremely early to have a lecture, I attended every lecture because they were always very interesting. I loved watching videos, and talking about the media world because that is what I am really interested in.

The course gave me a new perspective on the digital media world. I see how much of an impact it has on our lives and the importance of it. Will I pursue a career in digital media? Possibly! I have been using Photoshop since high school and I have always loved the program, so I would like to continue using it. It has only been one semester of RTA and we have only focused on audio production and digital media and I have enjoyed both of them. Next semester we will be doing TV studio which I am so pumped for! So I can’t really say if I am going to pursue digital media as a career.

The most important thing that I am going to take away from this course is with time and hard work I can create something incredible. For example while working in After Effects I had a lot of troubles understanding the program. But I stayed up late nights and set my mind to it and created something I am really proud of. Another very important thing that I learned this semester is that GOOGLE NEVER FORGETS! This is something that will definitely be important to remember when I start looking for jobs in the media world!

1 comment:

  1. It was a joy having you in class. Have a great holiday!
