Sunday 20 November 2011


Originally, I was pretty set on the idea to do the movie “Up”, but I was having trouble starting it. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make a stop motion or take a video. I also thought about drawing what I wanted to do, but I am not very artistic. I thought the best thing to do was just think of another movie.

Over the weekend, I went to a Bar Mitzvah, and the idea hit me that I should do my project on “The Hangover.”  The movie is about a group of friends who get drunk and are so hung-over the next morning that they can't remember what they did the previous night. This is exactly what I portrayed in my trailer.  The scenery to take the pictures was perfect because I was in a party setting and because I was staying in a hotel. I took pictures of my two brothers posing in different settings holding drinks and doing crazy things, such as dancing and proposing marriage to each other. In the hotel, I was fortunate to find a large empty whisky bottle and a bag of empty beer cans in the hallway across from my room. I took pictures of them and included some in the trailer to portray the partying and hangover.  

I decided to make the pictures move fast and just show the quick highlights of the night. I wanted to give a quick feel of what the movie is about. I also made the pictures move fast to make it seem as though the night was a blur and that many things happened. I added the video of my brothers lying passed out in their hotel room the next morning, with clothes thrown all over the place, to show the aftermath of the crazy night that they had spent. 

While working in After Effects, I had some problems making the pictures appear quickly and then quickly disappear. After trying to think of ways to do that, I realized the easiest way was to set a key frame changing the opacity. I also struggled with the font. I wasn't sure how I was going to make the font and if I wanted to give the text crazy effects. I then looked at the movie poster for “The Hangover” and saw that the text on it is actually very simple. I added an outer glow to the text as is done in the movie poster. I added the song “Live Your Life” by Rihanna because it was used in the original trailer and represents the message clearly.

Overall, I am very happy with the way my trailer turned out. I followed the guidelines, and I believe that what I showed told the story of the movie without giving too much away. I didn't want people to be confused with what I made which is why I made it very simple and to the point. Working in After Effect, although challenging, was a lot of fun! 

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