Sunday 2 October 2011


In our digital media lab we have been focusing on Photoshop. I have been using the program since I was in grade 10, and have loved it since. Photoshop is an excellent program and is easy to use. Photoshop can do many different things to a photo. It can change the color, opacity, lighting and much more. I have enjoyed using the different tools in Photoshop to create cool images by using multiple different effects. I created an album cover that I think shows my Photoshop abilities. I am excited to share what I created in my lab class on Tuesday.
Many magazines use Photoshop to alter the appearance of their model, which I believe is a downfall to Photoshop. The media shows us images that we come to accept as true. When female see pictures of thin models on magazines, they feel that is how they should look. The medias message is that being thin and beautiful attracts the opposite sex. In reality, pictures are photo-shopped to take away all their imperfections. These images, though, become the standard to which others compare themselves and other people. When people don’t live up to the standards it makes them feel negatively about themselves and others. We all have our imperfections, but shouldn’t we embrace them, rather than hide them? Through the use of Photoshop, we can hide our pimples, take away unwanted fat on us and so on.
For example take a look at this picture of Blake Lively on Seventeen Magazine. There is a strong glow to her face, her arms are thinner, her chin is more shaped, her neck is more defined and so on. Photoshop can do a lot to a photo, and make it seem so unrealistic to what the person actually looks like.

1 comment:

  1. I agree - I've done my fair share of "shopping" people to make them look younger or reduce wrinkles. A quick way to d othat is to select the face, then turn off the R and B channel and then blur the green channel, then turn on R and B and bingo: a "younger" face.
