Sunday 25 September 2011


This week in BDC192 we learned about CRAP, an acronym to the rules of design.
C- contrast
R- repetition
A- alignment
P- proximity

This is a helpful way to remember the important components to have in design. Using these rules, it will help me to make an excellent poster for our first assignment. I went online to find many different pictures that incorporate the design rules. Here is what I found!
Contrast is when two elements on the page are different and help make the picture stand out. Contrast is used well in this iPod advertisement because of how the colors work together. The green background helps make the silhouette stand out. And the silhouette helps make the white iPod stand out. This picture focuses the viewers’ attention on the most important part of the picture, which is the iPod

Repetition is to repeat a design throughout the page. This Andy Warhol style picture repeats Marilyn Monroe’s face but with different colors in each section. This is useful because it is attention grabbing. It allows the viewer to see the different moods of Marilyn Monroe through the colors. It also has contrast because of how the colors help the main subject stand out.

This is a picture of alignment. Alignment is when everything on the page is visually connected. It is important not confuse the viewer and have the elements in the picture all over the place. It’s important to have a balance between positive and negative space. This picture is a perfect example of using positive space. The text is aligned from top to bottom and the viewer isn’t lost reading it.  It is easy to follow because the writing stays consistently in the middle.  The picture is also aligned because it has the characters on the right and left side.

Proximity is having elements related to each other close together. In this picture there are headings and then subheadings underneath. This makes it more visually appealing because it is organized.  By organizing it in subheadings the reader can access the information easily.  

C.R.A.P is a valuable design principle to follow and a way to know if what you are making is visually appealing to the viewer.

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