Sunday 16 October 2011


The past two weeks in BDC192 we have been talking about motion graphics. We have watched many different videos on YouTube of some awesome motion graphics.  The time and effort that goes into creating such an amazing piece of art really amazes me.
            During my BDC192 lab, my TA Lisa Young showed me some of her favorite motions graphics. She showed me many that blew me away and left me speechless. There were many that I loved, but the one I want to share is called T-Shirt War.

This video was created in two days, and used 222 t-shirts! Crazy! What they created is funny, original and extremely creative. I love the use of color they use in the video because it really helps it to stand out more. It has a nice flow to it and you can barely tell that they took a bunch of pictures instead of filming it. You can tell a lot of planning was done before to create all of the different t-shirts. This video has given me a lot of inspiration for my next project!

1 comment:

  1. Real classic - too much fun! It might have taken 2 days to shoot, but it took months to plan and develop... all those t shirts to print!!!
