Sunday 11 September 2011

What is Digital Media?

Before attending my first digital media lecture, my idea of digital media was simply communicating a message through technology, such as phones, computers and iPods.  At the beginning of the lecture, I learned that my impression was correct but that there was a lot more to it than I thought. Digital media is more than just communicating a message through technology. It is also about the impact that technology has on us. The media world is constantly changing, and it affects how we access information and share it with others.  For example, the television show “LOST”, which we discussed in class, used transmedia storytelling to give the audience interactive online experiences with the show. Viewers were able to feel as though they were a part of  “LOST” and thus formed a stronger connection to the show  and its characters.
It is important for RTA students to take a course on digital media because we will have careers in fields where we will not only use but create new forms of digital media.  It is important for us to be current about new forms of technology and ways to share it.  It is important to for us to understand how to create these different ways of communication through the use of Photoshop and After Effects.   
I believe Marshall McLuhan was right when he said “the medium is the message”. Technology has changed and shaped the way we think, act and communicate with others. Through technology we can feel connected to people who live across the world. In the past, if we wanted to get in contact with someone who lived in France it would take weeks to send a letter through the mail. Now we are able to use social networking sites such as Facebook which takes seconds to connect with someone anywhere in the world.  

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